ID 68

Word Problems K2John had nine coins. He gave seven coins away.

How many coins does he have left?

ID 69

Word Problems K2One pack of pencils has four pencils.
Another pack has six pencils.

How many more pencils are in the second pack?

ID 71

Word Problems K2John earned three stars. Jim earned five stars.

How many stars did they earn in total?

ID 83

Word Problems K2How many apples are inside the semi-circle shape?

ID 85

Word Problems K2Peter has three apples. John has only one apple.

How many apples do the children have in total?

ID 86

Word Problems K2Jim tends a flock of sheep.
He must divide the flock in half.

How many sheep will be in each half?

ID 87

Word Problems K2John has 10 animals. 4 are lambs, 3 are pigs, and the rest are cows.

How many cows does John have?

ID 92

Word Problems K2I am the fourth animal in line, and three more animals are after me in line.

How many animals are there?

ID 102

Word Problems K2Which color is the ninth square?

ID 109

Word Problems K2There are nine numbers here.

How many of them are less than 5?

ID 112

Word Problems K2How many letters are there in the English alphabet?

ID 114

Word Problems K2How many animals are there?

ID 116

Word Problems K2Anna lives in an apartment building.
There are two levels above her and one level below her.

How many levels are there in the building?

ID 1118

Word Problems K2In Morse code, each symbol is either a dot or a dash.

 Which character (letter or number) contains the largest number of dots?

ID 1154

Word Problems K29 + 2 is less than I am.
8 + 5 is greater than I am.

Who am I?

ID 1155

Word Problems K2Find the amount of money in the picture.

ID 1331

Word Problems K2How many fingers and thumbs are NOT being held up?

ID 1405

Word Problems K2How many correct answers to this question are there below?

ID 1470

Word Problems K2How many fish DO NOT swim to the left?

ID 1501

Word Problems K2Select the group that has more circles.

ID 1588

Word Problems K2I put four cards on a table.

What is the order of the cards from the top to the bottom?

ID 2036

Word Problems K2Alex asked Beatrice to move 1 step away from him.

If he is on the second step, where will she be after moving?

ID 2037

Word Problems K2Anna bought 28 jellybeans.
Eight of them are red and the rest are green.

How many green jellybeans did she buy?

ID 2039

Word Problems K2Find the odd one out.

ID 2040

Word Problems K2How many more fish will there be in the first aquarium than in the second one after the jump?

ID 2262

Word Problems K2How many hands are there in the picture?

ID 2447

Word Problems K2John had eleven coins. He gave seven coins away.

How many coins does he have left?

ID 2448

Word Problems K2John had fifteen coins. He gave seven coins away.

How many coins does he have left?

ID 2449

Word Problems K2John had twelve coins. He gave seven coins away.

How many coins does he have left?

ID 2450

Word Problems K2John had eleven coins. He gave six coins away.

How many coins does he have left?

ID 2451

Word Problems K2One pack of pencils has four pencils.
Another pack has nine pencils.

How many more pencils are in the second pack?

ID 2452

Word Problems K2One pack of pencils has six pencils.
Another pack has fifteen pencils.

How many more pencils are in the second pack?

ID 2453

Word Problems K2One pack of pencils has seven pencils.
Another pack has twelve pencils.

How many more pencils are in the second pack?

ID 2456

Word Problems K2John earned nine stars. Jim earned five stars.

How many stars did they earn in total?

ID 2473

Word Problems K2Peter has five apples.
John has only one apple.

How many apples do the children have in total?

ID 2474

Word Problems K2Peter has seven apples.
John has one apple less than Peter.

How many apples do the children have in total?

ID 2475

Word Problems K2Peter has six apples.
John has one apple less than Peter.

How many apples do the children have in total?

ID 2476

Word Problems K2Peter has ten apples.
John has one apple less than Peter.

How many apples do the children have in total?

ID 2477

Word Problems K2Jim had a flock of sheep shown in the picture.
He bought the same number of sheep.

How many sheep does he have now?

ID 2478

Word Problems K2John has twelve animals.
Four are lambs, three are pigs, and the rest are cows.

How many cows does John have?

ID 2479

Word Problems K2John has eleven animals.
Four are lambs, three are pigs, and the rest are cows.

How many cows does John have?

ID 2484

Word Problems K2I am the sixth animal in line, and two more animals are after me in line.

How many animals are there?

ID 2490

Word Problems K2Which color is the ninth square from the right?

ID 2495

Word Problems K2There are nine numbers here.

How many of them are less than 6?

ID 2496

Word Problems K2There are nine numbers here.

How many of them are less than 4?

ID 2501

Word Problems K2How many letters are there in the English alphabet before letter V?

ID 2508

Word Problems K2Anna lives in an apartment building.
There are five levels above her and three levels below her.

How many levels are there in the building?

ID 2546

Word Problems K2Anna has fifteen strawberries.
She eats seven of them.

Which number sentence shows how many strawberries Anna has left?

ID 2585

Word Problems K2Jim counts the number of eyes and tails of his cows.
He gets 6.

How many cows does he have?

ID 2637

Word Problems K2How many legs and hands do they have?

ID 3238

Word Problems K2Anna is making a pattern with beads.
There are 6 black and 4 white beads on the string.
She puts 6 more beads on the string at the right.
How many black beads in all will be on the string?

ID 3871

Word Problems K2What is the minimum number of matchsticks necessary to spell the word "TEN"?

You are not allowed to break or bend any matchsticks.

ID 4869

Word Problems K2How many different letters are there?

ID 4871

Word Problems K2Which number has more letters?

ID 4889

Word Problems K2How many letters are there in Chinese alphabet?

ID 4908

Word Problems K2Which word in this question is the longest?

ID 5062

Word Problems K2Forty young people participated in a competition.
Six of them were girls.

How many boys were there?

ID 5494

Word Problems K2How many different letters are there in the word?

ID 6871

Word Problems K2EVGUENIA has written down her name twice.

How many times did she write the letter E?

ID 6892

Word Problems K2It takes 4 minutes to boil an egg.

How long does it take to boil two eggs.

ID 7097

Word Problems K2What is the largest number on the cards?

ID 7107

Word Problems K2How many white square cards don't contain a blue shape?