ID 781

Geometry and  Measurement K10The scale of a map is 1:20 000.
The distance is measured as 5 centimeters on the map.

How many kilometers is this equivalent to?

1 meter = 100 centimeters
1 kilometer = 1000 meters

ID 794

Geometry and  Measurement K10What is the greatest number of circles that can be placed around the central circle?

They have to touch the central circle. All circles have the same diameter.

ID 795

Geometry and  Measurement K10Which reservoir has the greatest volume?

ID 796

Geometry and  Measurement K10Anna has made puzzle pieces by cutting wedges from a disk.
Each wedge cut from the disk has a 50-degree angle at the center of the disk.
The weight of the uncut disk is 72 grams.

How many grams does each 50-degree wedge weigh?

ID 797

Geometry and  Measurement K10Sixty-four coins are melted down and recast as a single coin of the same thickness h.

How many times larger than the diameter of the original coin is the diameter of the new coin?

ID 798

Geometry and  Measurement K10The diameter of the rear wheel of a circus bike is 99 cm. It is 1 cm smaller than the diameter of the front wheel.
When the bike goes around the circus, the number of rotations of the smaller wheel is 1 more than the number of rotations of the larger wheel.

Find the number of rotations made by the larger wheel. 

ID 799

Geometry and  Measurement K10Rectangle ABCD contains five small congruent rectangles. The smaller dimension of one of the small rectangles is 3 cm.

What is the area of rectangle ABCD in square cm?

ID 800

Geometry and  Measurement K10A diagonal is a line joining two non-consecutive vertices of a polygon or polyhedron.

How many different diagonals are in the cube?

ID 801

Geometry and  Measurement K10ABCD is a rectangle.
E, F, G and H are midpoints of AO, BO, CO and DO respectively.

What is the fraction of EFGH to ABCD?

Compare the areas.

ID 802

Geometry and  Measurement K10Which is the front view of the 3-D shape?

ID 803

Geometry and  Measurement K10Which shape was proportionally enlarged, turned, and moved to the point O?

ID 804

Geometry and  Measurement K10 Which fraction of the design is white?

ID 807

Geometry and  Measurement K10How many lines of symmetry does a circle contain?

ID 808

Geometry and  Measurement K10Which two lines are parallel?

ID 809

Geometry and  Measurement K10What is the volume of the figure?

ID 812

Geometry and  Measurement K10Which rays on this picture appear to intersect?

ID 814

Geometry and  Measurement K10Shape A and B are congruent equilateral triangles.
Shape C is formed by superimposing shapes A and B by about their centers.

What is the perimeter of shape C if the perimeter of shape A is 36 centimeters?

ID 815

Geometry and  Measurement K10The diagram illustrates a row of three squares formed by matches.

How many matches will it take to make a row of 30 squares?

ID 817

Geometry and  Measurement K10A quadrilateral is any four-sided figure.

How many quadrilaterals are there in this shape?

ID 819

Geometry and  Measurement K10The big square has a side length of 1.
Its sides' midpoints are connected to form a second square, and so forth.

What is the sum of the areas of all the squares in this infinite series?

ID 821

Geometry and  Measurement K10A line passes through P(3,1) and Q(36,1000).

How many other points with integer coordinates are on the line and between P and Q?

ID 826

Geometry and  Measurement K10How many planes of symmetry does a brick have?

ID 828

Geometry and  Measurement K10The picture shows two identical squares with sides that have a length of 1 meter.
M is the midpoint of the corresponding sides of both squares.

What is the area of the blue section?

ID 830

Geometry and  Measurement K10Two lines and two diagonals are drawn through the center of the rectangle.
What fraction of the area of the rectangle is red?

ID 839

Geometry and  Measurement K10In a triangle, the sum of two of the angles is equal to the third.
The lengths of the sides are 12,13 and X.

Find X.

ID 840

Geometry and  Measurement K10The Earth's diameter is 12,700 km.
The horizon is 11 km from the top of a lighthouse.

Estimate the height of the lighthouse.

ID 841

Geometry and  Measurement K10How many equilateral triangles can you create using six identical matches?

The length of the side of the triangle must be equal to the length of the match.

Source: Fixx, James F Solve It!, 1978

ID 843

Geometry and  Measurement K10Four towns are situated at the corners of a square. The government decided to build a new road linking all four towns together. Engineers suggested four different designs.

Which design illustrates the shortest road?

ID 847

Geometry and  Measurement K10What is the volume of the object?

ID 851

Geometry and  Measurement K10How many squares can be placed inside the circle without intersection?

ID 1003

Geometry and  Measurement K10Please find the shape with five sides.

ID 1005

Geometry and  Measurement K10Find two pairs of shapes that are exactly the same distance apart, where the distance between two shapes is defined as the distance between their centers.

ID 1011

Geometry and  Measurement K10Choose the bolt head design that can be easily turned with the household wrench.

ID 1012

Geometry and  Measurement K10Which of the nets can be folded into a box with a red ribbon printed continuously all the way around it?

ID 1013

Geometry and  Measurement K10Look at the mini-golf course.

To what point would the player hit the golf ball to make a hole-in-one?

ID 1014

Geometry and  Measurement K10I turned letter G around a center. It no longer reads the same.

How many uppercase letters can be read the same after such rotation?

ID 1015

Geometry and  Measurement K10I use different colors for areas that share a common line segment.

What is the least number of colors needed to color the picture?

ID 1016

Geometry and  Measurement K10The blocks of ice are of the same height and depth.

Which assembly melts fastest?

ID 1021

Geometry and  Measurement K10You are at point A.
You can only walk to the north or east.
For example, you can go to point B by two different ways.

How many different ways are there to reach point C?

ID 1045

Geometry and  Measurement K10Egyptian pyramids are square pyramids.

Which of the following nets can be folded to form a square pyramid?

ID 1052

Geometry and  Measurement K10The figure shows an example how a 3x4 net can be covered by L-shaped figures.

Which of the figures can be covered by the L-shaped figures in such a manner?

ID 1053

Geometry and  Measurement K10A square is inscribed in a triangle.

Find the length of the side of the square.

ID 1057

Geometry and  Measurement K10A telephone company places round cables in round ducts.

What arrangement of the cables allows the engineers to use a round duct with the smallest diameter?

Remember, there may be more than one correct answer.

ID 1059

Geometry and  Measurement K10The figure shows a regular hexagon.

What is the area of the red part as a fraction of the whole hexagon?

ID 1073

Geometry and  Measurement K10A semicircle is inscribed in the right triangle.

Find the radius of the semicircle.

ID 1074

Geometry and  Measurement K10Among the following shapes of equal perimeter, which has the largest area?

ID 1086

Geometry and  Measurement K10How many equilateral triangles can you make using six identical line segments?

ID 1087

Geometry and  Measurement K10Estimate the area of the colored figure.

ID 1255

Geometry and  Measurement K10A point of the square grid is chosen to form an isosceles triangle together with the red segment.

How many isosceles triangles can be drawn on the square grid?

ID 1309

Geometry and  Measurement K10Eugenia discovered round ink spots on her music paper.

Which music paper is the dirtiest?

ID 1339

Geometry and  Measurement K10What is the greatest number of possible points of intersection of four circles, of different radii?

ID 1349

Geometry and  Measurement K10The smallest apple weighs 100 grams.
The largest apple has a perimeter 10% larger than that of the smallest apple.

Estimate the weight of the largest apple.

ID 1351

Geometry and  Measurement K10I want to place together five identical shapes without overlapping them to form a figure.

What is the least perimeter of the figure?

ID 1372

Geometry and  Measurement K10The left picture shows nine dots arranged in a 3 x 3 square.
The dots are connected using only four straight lines and without lifting the pen from the paper.

The right picture shows seven dots evenly distributed on a circle and a dot in the center.

How many straight lines connect the dots in the same way?

ID 1423

Geometry and  Measurement K10Anna takes a rope that is 16 meters long and creates a square.
Bob takes the rope and creates a rectangle that has an area 75% of the square's area.

What is the length of the rectangle?

ID 1504

Geometry and  Measurement K10Which of these diagrams could be drawn completely without lifting the pen off the paper or going over any line twice?

ID 1541

Geometry and  Measurement K10For what value of x is the ratio between the red and blue areas at its maximum?

ID 1596

Geometry and  Measurement K10What fraction of the large equilateral triangle is colored?

ID 1747

Geometry and  Measurement K10Which of the following graphs shows the dependence "square side length Y - its area X"?

ID 1802

Geometry and  Measurement K10Seven squares with side length of 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, and 5 units can be fitted together with no gaps and no overlaps, to form a rectangle.

What is the length of the shorter side of the rectangle?

ID 1806

Geometry and  Measurement K10The area of the white cross is 20% of the area of the square flag.
Five white squares form the cross.

What is the length of the side of the white square?

ID 1922

Geometry and  Measurement K10Two heights in a triangle are both not less than either of two of its sides.

Find the largest angle.

ID 1931

Geometry and  Measurement K10If the largest size of a cube is 3 times larger than the original size, what is its volume change?

ID 1959

Geometry and  Measurement K10A Heronian triangle is a triangle whose side lengths and area are all integer numbers.
It is named after Hero of Alexandria.

Find sizes of a triangle whose area is numerically the same as its perimeter.

ID 1965

Geometry and  Measurement K10I arrange 10 points so that 3 lines each go through 4 points.
I would like to rearrange these 10 points.

What is the greatest number of lines that go through 4 dots each?

ID 1972

Geometry and  Measurement K10The top of a rectangular box has an area of 20 square meters, and two sides have areas of 12 and 15 square meters.

What is the volume of the box?

ID 1989

Geometry and  Measurement K10What is the probability that a point chosen randomly from the interior of an equilateral triangle is closer to a vertex of the triangle than it is to a midpoint of one of the triangle's sides?

ID 2079

Geometry and  Measurement K10This shape was formed by removing a small cube from a big cube.
The side length of the removed cube is two thirds of the side length of the original cube.

What is the volume of the new shape compared with the original volume?

ID 2199

Geometry and  Measurement K10I want to cut a wooden cube that is four inches on each side into 64 one-inch cubes.

I can do this by making 3 + 3 + 3 = 9 cuts, keeping the pieces together in the cube shape.

What is the minimum number of cuts needed if rearrangement of the pieces after each cut is allowed?

ID 2261

Geometry and  Measurement K10What is the angle between the hour hand and the minute hand at 9:10 ?

ID 2267

Geometry and  Measurement K10I cut a pyramid from a brick as shown in the picture.

What part of the brick did I cut off?

ID 2269

Geometry and  Measurement K10What is the probability that a point chosen randomly from the interior of a circle is closer to the circle's center than it is to any point of the circle's circumference?

ID 3117

Geometry and  Measurement K10Which is the side view of the 3-D shape?

ID 3140

Geometry and  Measurement K10A rectangle has a width of 0.7x and a length of 0.4x.

Which formula is the correct one to calculate the perimeter (P) in terms of x?

ID 3141

Geometry and  Measurement K10Which gives the largest answer?

ID 3146

Geometry and  Measurement K10An arrow rotates 372° in one second.

How many revolutions does it make in one minute?

ID 3148

Geometry and  Measurement K10A boy is making boxes from cardboard.
He is going to cut square pieces off each corner as shown in the diagram and fold the sides up.
Which size of square pieces would give a larger box in terms of volume?

ID 3159

Geometry and  Measurement K10The American flag consists of thirteen equally spaced, horizontal red and white stripes, with a blue rectangle in the canton bearing fifty small, white, five-pointed stars.

What part of the flag is white stripes?

ID 3308

Geometry and  Measurement K10A block of wood in the form of a cuboid 8 x 9 x 10 has all its six faces painted red.

If the wooden block is cut into small cubes of 1 x 1 x 1, how many of these cubes would have red paint on them?

ID 3504

Geometry and  Measurement K10A sculptor cuts a cube with a plane.

What is the maximum number of possible sides on the new face?

ID 3543

Geometry and  Measurement K10A bug walks from corner A of a room to corner B by only moving along the walls.

What is the shortest path it can take?

ID 3607

Geometry and  Measurement K10Connect 7 points on the circumference of a circle.

What is the largest number of intersections for the chords?

ID 3673

Geometry and  Measurement K10All angles are right and the lengths of the sides are given in miles in the diagram.

Find the length of the shortest path from A to B along the sides of the shape.

ID 3677

Geometry and  Measurement K10How many triangles with a perimeter 8 units have all side lengths that are integer numbers?

ID 3705

Geometry and  Measurement K10A regular polygon has some perpendicular sides and some parallel sides.

What might the shape be?

ID 3732

Geometry and  Measurement K10If a square is four and a triangle is three, how many is a regular star?

ID 3769

Geometry and  Measurement K10In a triangle, the sum of two of the angles is equal to the third, and the lengths of the two longer sides are 25 and 24.

What is the length of the shortest side?

ID 3771

Geometry and  Measurement K10What is the absolute difference between the largest and smallest possible perimeters of two rectangles that each have an area of 100 square units and integer side lengths?

ID 3931

Geometry and  Measurement K10What is the volume of a right rectangular solid with face areas of 12, 21, and 28 square meters?

ID 3939

Geometry and  Measurement K10An aquarium has a water surface area of 10,000 cm2.
I put a brick that measures 40 cm x 20 cm x 12.5 cm in the aquarium.

Estimate by how many centimeters the water rises.

ID 3994

Geometry and  Measurement K10A piece of wire 75 cm in length is cut into two parts, one of them being 30 cm long.
Each part is bent to form a square.

What is the ratio of the area of the larger square to the smaller square?

ID 4018

Geometry and  Measurement K10Estimate the ratio of the circumference c to the diameter of the circle d.

ID 4055

Geometry and  Measurement K10Find the ratio of the areas of the large and small equilateral triangles.

ID 4218

Geometry and  Measurement K10A 3 by 4 rectangle is contained within a circle.

What is the smallest possible diameter of the circle?

This is typical SAT question.

ID 4229

Geometry and  Measurement K10A photograph is placed in a frame that forms a border 2.5 cm wide on all sides of the photograph.

What is the area of the border?

ID 4326

Geometry and  Measurement K10I have 33 coins.

What is the minimum number of coins I need in order to make sure that each coin touches exactly three other coins?

ID 4583

Geometry and  Measurement K10Which regular shape cannot be used to tile a floor with no gaps between tiles?

ID 4845

Geometry and  Measurement K10I divided a 3 x 4 square into 6 squares.

What is the smallest number of squares into which you can divide a 9 x 10 rectangle?

Author: Matt Enlow

ID 4879

Geometry and  Measurement K10A wooden empty box weighs 80 pounds.

How much will another box of the same material weigh if its sides are twice as long?

ID 4903

Geometry and  Measurement K10The picture shows a polygon with 7 sides and 5 right angles.

How many interior right angles are possible in a polygon with eight sides?

ID 4987

Geometry and  Measurement K10There are 17 parallels and 12 meridians on a globe.

Into how many areas is the surface of the globe divided?

ID 5109

Geometry and  Measurement K10What is the difference between the red area and the blue area if the numbers show the side lengths of each square?

ID 5110

Geometry and  Measurement K10What is the side view of the three-dimensional object?

ID 5187

Geometry and  Measurement K10Swiss village Saas-Fee is entirely pedestrian and serviced by electric taxis and buses only. All electricity is obtained from 100% renewable hydroelectric power. The people have equipped the community's 250 wood-fired furnaces with particle filters.
Design guidelines for the village require houses to be 40% wooden, to maintain its architectural character. Its area is about 40 km2.

If the border of the village was a circle what would be the maximum distance an electric car goes to cross the entire village?

ID 5237

Geometry and  Measurement K10The sum of the perimeters of three rectangles is 172cm.

What is the largest possible sum of their areas?

ID 5291

Geometry and  Measurement K10I want to wrap 30 wooden cubes.

Which packaging uses the least package?

ID 5371

Geometry and  Measurement K10Gerry frequently goes from his home to Jane's house, which is 4 miles away.
He chooses the straight (blue) path on Monday and a red path with the form of equilaterial triangles on Tuesday.

How much longer is the second path?

ID 5373

Geometry and  Measurement K10Triangle ABC is equilateral.

What is the ratio of the red and blue areas if the heights of the blue triangle and the red trapezoid are the same?

ID 5399

Geometry and  Measurement K10What is the sum of the interior angles of a pentagon?

ID 5420

Geometry and  Measurement K10A team of archaeologists is exploring an underground complex on a remote planet. On each level there is a regular grid of North-South corridors intersecting East-West corridors, with ladders at each junction going both up and down to the next levels. Effectively the complex appears to be a regular 3D lattice of tunnels.

The previous team has marked the tunnels and made a list of problematic junctions that need to be avoided.

The team is currently at junction (3, 2, 5) and needs to get to junction (12, 9, 8) by one of the many shortest available routes.

Which of the listed problematic junctions might be in their way?

Author: Leslie Green

ID 5503

Geometry and  Measurement K10A shop owner installs a security camera on the ceiling of his shop. The camera can turn up-down and right round through 360°. The picture shows the design of the shop.

What part of the shop floor is hidden from the camera?

ID 5523

Geometry and  Measurement K10How many diagonals can I draw in an octagon?

ID 5566

Geometry and  Measurement K10In the diagram, two crosses intersect at exactly two points.

What is the maximum possible number of points of intersection of any two crosses of the same size?

ID 5594

Geometry and  Measurement K10What is the ratio of the white area to the blue area if the radius of the small semicircles is 4 times smaller than the large one?

ID 5664

Geometry and  Measurement K10In how many ways can a wooden cube be cut into two congruent parts by a single straight line cut?

ID 5712

Geometry and  Measurement K10A cellar floor is to be tiled in the way shown in the picture.

If the cellar measures 25 tiles x 27 tiles, how many white tiles will be needed?

ID 5717

Geometry and  Measurement K10Find the area of the blue square inscribed into a right isosceles triangle.

ID 5734

Geometry and  Measurement K10Find the sum of the two marked angles that are formed by an intersection of two rectangles.

ID 5755

Geometry and  Measurement K10Find the sum of the eight marked angles.

ID 5783

Geometry and  Measurement K10Hydraulic pumps pump cleaned water from a filled tank into a special pond via tubes that have an input diameter of 16 cm and an output diameter of 8 cm.

How much faster does the water go through the output outlet compared to the input tube?

ID 5784

Geometry and  Measurement K10All the circles have the same center. The area of each colored region between the circles is equal to the area of the smaller circle.

How much larger is the largest circle compared to the small circle?

ID 5800

Geometry and  Measurement K10A shape is made from 6 congruent equilateral triangles that share one, two, or three common sides.

What is the maximum possible number of sides the shape has?

ID 5859

Geometry and  Measurement K10Egyptians used a 12-unit-length rope with 2 knots to form a right triangle. They used the triangle to define the right angle when they divided the land.

What are the rope's segment lengths?

ID 5878

Geometry and  Measurement K10The picture shows two circles with diameters of length 1 and 4, which have the same centre.

What fraction of the larger circle is blue?

ID 5882

Geometry and  Measurement K10What represents the largest area if the distance between the lines is the same?

ID 5885

Geometry and  Measurement K10The design is formed by 2 squares of area of 9 square metres that has the same center.

Find the area of the yellow shape.

ID 5949

Geometry and  Measurement K10What is the area of a square with a diagonal of length 12 meters?

ID 6010

Geometry and  Measurement K10There are 3 equal line segments inside the square.

What is the area of the square?

ID 6037

Geometry and  Measurement K10Flying Superman stands 40 feet away from a tree that is 9 feet tall. He has to get to the top of the tree to save Jane's kitten.

How far will he have to travel straight to the kitten and to fall down under the tree?

ID 6076

Geometry and  Measurement K10The picture shows an isosceles triangle ABC. M and N are midpoints of the corresponding sides. The numbers show the areas of three parts of the triangle.

What is the area of the fourth region?

ID 6125

Geometry and  Measurement K10If a pizza has radius Z and height A, what is the volume of the meal?

The number &π (PI) is a mathematical constant, the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, commonly approximated as 3.14159.

ID 6186

Geometry and  Measurement K10The basketball hoop is 45.7cm in diameter, and 3.05m high. The basketball is 24cm in diameter.

Compare the cross-sectional area of the ball with the area of the hoop.

ID 6303

Geometry and  Measurement K10Pretend the round red blobs are tennis balls. Pretend the blue lines are stretchy strings.

Can you move the tennis balls from the pattern on the left to make the pattern on the right?

NOTE: the strings are special so that whatever you do they never get tangled up with each other.

Author: Leslie Green

ID 6309

Geometry and  Measurement K10Pretend the round red blobs are tennis balls. Pretend the blue lines are stretchy strings.

Can you move the tennis balls from the pattern on the left to make the pattern on the right?

NOTE: the strings are special so that whatever you do they never get tangled up with each other.

Author: Leslie Green

ID 6342

Geometry and  Measurement K10Leslie Green asks:

Which is the correct equation relating H and A to S?

ID 6443

Geometry and  Measurement K10Gerry wants to replace three cube-shaped reservoirs with side lengths of 3, 4, and 5 meters by a large reservoir with the same volume.

What is the side length of the new reservoir?

ID 6465

Geometry and  Measurement K10What part of the regular hexagon has the largest area?

ID 6508

Geometry and  Measurement K10A circle is inscribed in a quadrilateral, as shown in the picture.

Which is greater?

ID 6517

Geometry and  Measurement K10The picture shows the areas of the rectangles.

Find the sum of the areas A + B + C.

ID 6552

Geometry and  Measurement K10A circle is divided into four identical regions by the four semicircles.

Compare the perimeter of a shape with the perimeter of the circle?

ID 6561

Geometry and  Measurement K10If the radius of the large circle is 7,
the radius of the green circle is 1, and
the red and yellow areas are equal,
what is the external radius of the yellow ring?

ID 6602

Geometry and  Measurement K10What part of the large regular hexagon is yellow?

ID 6608

Geometry and  Measurement K10I cut a rectangle into pieces using straight lines, and rearrange these pieces into a hexagon whose sides are all of the same length.

What is the minimum possible number of cuts?

ID 6665

Geometry and  Measurement K10An isosceles 3-sides-equal trapezoid has 2 parallel sides.

What is the perimeter of the shape?

ID 6670

Geometry and  Measurement K10Find angle X in a rectangle.

ID 6685

Geometry and  Measurement K10Gerry has an empty box with side lengths of 7.1 meters, and an unlimited number of cubes with side lengths of 4, 2, and 1 meters.

What is the minimum number of cubes needed to fill the box to its maximum extent?

ID 6729

Geometry and  Measurement K10Alex shares a triangular piece of cake between 5 friends and himself.

The numbers show the lengths of corresponding segments in inches.

Who gets the heaviest piece?

ID 6733

Geometry and  Measurement K10Ugg, the primitive human, finds a perfectly circular fountain with a diameter of 1.8m. Of course Ugg doesn't know what a fountain is, or what a diameter is, but he decides to measure the circumference of the fountain, despite not knowing what a circumference actually is. Ugg can only measure using his walking stick and a piece of chalk. The walking stick is remarkably straight, and by sheer chance it just happens to be exactly 1m long.

Ugg is not as clever as you, so he would not think of pressing the stick against the curve and moving the pressure point down the length of the stick to follow the curve exactly.

What is Ugg's count of the number of sticks needed to surround the strange looking historic artefact he has found?

Unusually, and just for this question, you are encouraged to open another browser tab and search for any information on the Internet which will help you to solve this problem.

Author: Leslie Green

ID 6739

Geometry and  Measurement K10What part of the large square is green?

ID 6768

Geometry and  Measurement K10Leslie Green asks:

The sine of an angle, A, is identically equal to the cosine of some other angle.

What is the other angle?

ID 6776

Geometry and  Measurement K10Today there is a tug of war between a human, an orangutan, and a gorilla. You may be unfamiliar with the units being used. We call the force necessary to support a 1kg weight one kilogram-force, with the notation 1kgf. Whilst this is not one of the preferred SI units, it is easy to understand from everyday experience.

The human pulls in the compass direction of 000° with a strength of 100kgf. The orangutan thinks it is very funny and pulls with a force of 120kgf in the compass direction of 240°. The gorilla really can't be bothered, so only pulls with a force of 150kgf in the compass direction of 120°.

In which compass direction does the junction of the ropes move?

Author: Leslie Green

ID 6779

Geometry and  Measurement K10Shawna wishes to measure the height of a tree for no clearly explained reason. She has determined that the distance from the ground to her eye level is 1.7m when she is wearing her usual fashionable boots. She uses a 45° set-square to sight-along and she uses a spirit level to make sure the ground is level and the base of the set-square is also level.
She walks back from the tree until the top of the tree aligns with the set square, then she measures the distance from where she is standing to the centre of the tree trunk. The distance she measures is 11.2m.

What is her estimate of the height of the tree?

Author: Leslie Green

ID 6846

Geometry and  Measurement K10An equilateral polygon can be concave. It can also have a rotational symmetry. For example, the star is a concave decagon (ten-side polygon) with rotational symmetry.

What is the least number of sides a concave equilateral polygon with rotational symmetry can have?

Definition: A concave polygon has at least one internal angle greater than 180°.

Definition: An equilateral polygon has all sides of equal length.

ID 6860

Geometry and  Measurement K10Examine the following statements:

1) For a given stored volume, a sphere has less surface area than a cube.
2) For a given width limit, a sphere and a cube have the same ratio of volume to surface area.
3) A cube of a given width will have a lower volume to surface area ratio than a cuboid of the same dimensions (except its length is twice its width).

Author: Leslie Green

ID 6912

Geometry and  Measurement K10We form shapes with squares 1 cm high.

The first four stages of a sequence are shown in the picture.

What is the area of the stage 111 in the sequence?

ID 6947

Geometry and  Measurement K10Jane's handkerchief has a regular pattern.

What percentage of her handkerchief is red?

ID 7047

Geometry and  Measurement K10Leslie Green asks:

The super-villain of a science-fiction movie shrinks the moon to one hundredth of its original diameter.

If we willingly suspend our disbelief for a moment, and we of course assume that the Law of Conservation of Mass applies, what is the resulting average density of the shrunken moon?

ID 7072

Geometry and  Measurement K10What is the largest possible area of a right triangle with a hypotenuse of 8cm?

ID 7113

Geometry and  Measurement K10Which part of the shape is the largest?

ID 7145

Geometry and  Measurement K10A revolving door prevents circulation of the external air inside a building.

What is the largest possible width W for the design?

ID 7213

Geometry and  Measurement K10What are the units of arctan?

(arctan is also written as atan and tan raised to the power -1 : tan-1)

ID 7281

Geometry and  Measurement K10What is 10 inches, expressed in mm?

ID 7337

Geometry and  Measurement K10A hill has the characteristic that for every 2 cubits of real horizontal motion there is one cubit of real vertical motion.

What is the angle of the slope relative to the horizontal?

NOTE: Inverse trig functions can be written with an arc- prefix, an a- prefix, or be raised to the power -1.

ID 7352

Geometry and  Measurement K10The diagram shows the formula of the area of an ellipse.

What percent of the area of the rectangle is blue?

ID 7377

Geometry and  Measurement K10The flag of England is derived from St George's Cross. The official proportions for the national flag of England is 3:5, with the cross being 1/5 of the height of the flag wide. The picture shows an example of the dimensions of the flag.

Estimate the area of the red part of the flag.

ID 7389

Geometry and  Measurement K10The measure of the two acute angles in a right triangle are in the ratio 5:13.

What is the measure of the smallest angle of the triangle?